Header art by David Thomas |
Coming Home Again and Again
I watch the late-night CNN
The gerbil runs the wheel.
They are coming home again,
On foot,
In the rain,
Coming Home.
We must begin again.
The CNN is over.
The gerbil runs the wheel.
And in the background,
Hear the whirring of the kids' pet gerbil.
Round and round and round and
Gets nowhere fast.
Does he do it for the sheer joy?
Or does he think eventually....
He'll reach some gerbil paradise,
An Eden of his own,
Will he come at last to that perfect home
Without any weirdo strangers like me around?
The soldiers and the refugees.
They are marching into former neighborhoods,
Waves of people,
Not so unlike you and me ---
Men, Women, and Children.
Next week.
On horse,
By jeep or truck,
Flown by plane,
They come home.
In the snow,
In the sun,
In the fog.
Most often in the fog,
They come home.
But the home,
Seen dimly through the fog,
Has been looted,
The home has been burned,
The women have been raped,
The men have been killed,
The crops have been ruined,
The livestock have been shot,
The well has been poisoned,
The resisters have been tortured.
We must rebuild.
And bide our time
Until revenge can be ours,
Until we can burn their houses,
Rape the women,
Kill the men,
Ruin the crops,
Shoot the livestock,
Poison the well,
Torture the resisters.
Even ancient re-runs of I Love Lucy
Are over.
Everyone is asleep, it seems.
Except for me.
The only sound is the hum of the test-pattern.
And the whirring of the gerbil.
Round and round and round and
Gets nowhere fast.
Does he do it for the sheer joy?
Or does he think eventually....?
He'll reach some gerbil paradise,
An Eden of his own,
Will he come at last to that perfect home
Without any weirdo strangers like me around?
I hunger yet
To win the bet;
To march the march
Through desolate lands;
Light the torch
Of tortured hands;
Found a city;
Show no pity;
Conquer all;
Steal the ball!
I may not know
Of crystal snow
Or love in bed
Silky hair wet
Blonde across my face
Laughter, holy grace.
But instead
I get
No forced solitude.
I have the multitude
At beck and call
And in my thrall.
On flashbulb feasts
I will dine,
Roasted beasts,
And finest wine.
And when the game
At last is won
And My Own Name
Heads everyone,
I'll laugh and flash
From my death:
I held the lash!
No wasted clock
On balderdash
Or poppycock.
I rushed ahead
To this final bower
My ultimate power.
So I could lay
Beneath cold ground
Beneath the sound
Of crashing drum
-- beat
And brashing horn
-- blast
And marching man
-- feet
And now at long
-- last
With my last breath,
Perfectly content.
Perfectly serene.
Yet --
Yet, I wonder --
Is it too late?
Have I missed ... ?
Could I just have a chance to -- ?
I see.
It's over.
following inspired by my son David Thomas.....
Cube the Sphere;
Inertia's stayed!
Vanquish fear;
Gravity's played!
Hands are quick;
Handsome hash.
Sliding slick --
Tricky flash!
Band of motion,
Strong as steel
And roaring ocean,
Softly feel!
Dance the doing;
Do the dance;
Rhythm gluing
Form from chance!
Have and hold;
Paint the air.
Flex and fold
With careless care!
Steadfast rhythm,
Steady rhyme --
Arch the anthem
Through sweet time!
Cinch a shower;
Capture liberty;
Flow a flower;
Freeze eternity!
I've a notion
You're a king of --
Magic motion
And lyric love!
A poem about Music
Poems about technology
Poetry Index
To contact the author: truthtable@aol.com
Last modified: Jan. 6, 2000